The Importance of Preventive Care Coverage in Health Insurance

The Importance of Preventive Care Coverage in Health Insurance


It might seem like preventive care is just a way to get yourself checked out, but it’s so much more than that. You can save money by getting the right preventive care coverage in your health insurance, and it can even help you stay healthy overall. Here’s what you need to know:

Preventive care can keep you from needing more expensive care later.

Preventive care can help you avoid more expensive treatment. For example, if you have high cholesterol and get checked with a simple blood test, the doctor may prescribe medication or recommend dietary changes to lower it. This approach is much less expensive than having to go through open-heart surgery because of a heart attack caused by untreated high cholesterol.

Preventive care also reduces your risk of developing chronic illnesses such as diabetes, asthma and cancer. Some people think that they don’t need preventive services because they feel fine now–but what happens if they develop one of these chronic illnesses in the future? You may have to take expensive medications for years or even decades! If only they had taken advantage of their health insurance benefits earlier on…

Preventive care can help you save money.

A little-known fact is that preventive care can actually reduce your overall health care costs by preventing illness and injury in the first place, which means you won’t have to pay for expensive treatments down the road. For example, if you get screened for cancer early on and it’s caught early enough, then treatment will be less expensive than if it were found later on when it had spread throughout your body. The same goes for other conditions–if they’re caught earlier on in their development stages, then they’ll be easier to treat (or even cure!).

Preventive care isn’t just about screenings and check-ups – it’s also about being proactive about your health.

Preventive care isn’t just about screenings and check-ups. It’s also about being proactive about your health and taking steps to avoid more expensive care later on. You can save money by choosing a plan that offers preventive benefits, like paying for preventive services before they become medical emergencies. For example, if you have diabetes or high blood pressure and don’t take steps to control it now, there’s a good chance that you’ll develop complications later–and even end up in the hospital! Preventive care helps keep people from getting sick in the first place so they don’t have to pay as much out of pocket later on when they do get sick (or worse).

Preventive services include things like immunizations against influenza (the flu), pneumonia and other diseases; screenings such as mammograms; testing for hepatitis C virus infection; counseling on diet/nutrition/weight management; behavioral assessments including mental health issues such as substance abuse disorders; tobacco use cessation counseling…and more!

Getting the right preventive care can help keep you healthy, but not everyone is doing it.

According to a study by the American Cancer Society, only about half of people aged 45-64 take advantage of recommended screenings for breast cancer, colorectal cancer and cervical cancer.

While some plans cover preventive care at no cost to consumers (or with very low copays), many do not–and even those that do may require you to meet certain criteria before they’ll pay out on your claims. For example: You might have to wait until you’re old enough or healthy enough before your insurer will agree that it’s worthwhile for them to reimburse your expenses related to getting an annual physical; if this applies where you live, then make sure that any visits made in advance are documented appropriately so there won’t be any confusion later down the road when time comes around again!


We know it can be tough to find the right health insurance plan, but if you want to make sure you’re covered for preventive care, we recommend looking at what your options are before signing up for anything. You may even want to consider getting a quote from more than one company so that you can compare prices and coverage levels between different providers.

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