The Top 3 Mistakes Business OwnersMake When Purchasing Insurance

The Top 3 Mistakes Business Owners Make When Purchasing Insurance
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When you’re running a business, there are many things to think about. You want to make sure that you have the right employees and the right equipment. You want to ensure that your customers are happy, and you want to make sure your employees are being taken care of. But did you ever stop to think about insurance? Insurance can help protect your business from unforeseen losses and liabilities, which is why it’s so important for all companies large or small. Here at Insurance Panda, we’ve compiled our top three mistakes business owners make when purchasing insurance:

Ignoring the importance of insurance

Insurance is a form of risk management that allows you to avoid financial loss, legal liability, reputational damage and time loss.

If you own a business and don’t have insurance in place for your company or its assets–such as equipment or inventory–you could be putting yourself at risk for some major problems down the road. Insurance policies can help protect against these types of issues:

  • Financial loss due to theft or damage caused by fire or weather events (property)
  • Legal liability from employees injured on the job (workers’ compensation)
  • Damage done by employees who are intoxicated while driving company vehicles (vehicle)

Not knowing what type of insurance is right for your business

When you’re looking to buy insurance, it can be difficult to know what type of coverage is right for your business. The first step in getting the right kind of insurance is knowing what types of coverage are available and how they work.

The most common types of business insurance include:

  • Property damage liability – This protects you from being held liable for any damages caused by an employee or visitor on your property (including their car).
  • Workers’ compensation – This covers medical costs for employees injured at work or off-duty due to an accident related to their job duties, such as slipping and falling on ice outside the office building after leaving work one day during winter months when temperatures were below freezing point (-18 Celsius).
  • Automobile liability – This protects against claims made against you by other people who were injured because someone driving one of your vehicles was negligent while operating it (such as speeding through intersections without stopping first).

Only thinking about insurance once you’ve already experienced a loss.

You should consider your insurance needs before anything happens. You can’t predict the future, but you can plan for it. By taking a proactive approach to securing your business’s assets and liabilities, you will be in a better position to avoid unexpected costs down the road. If something bad does happen, then not only will you be glad that you had insurance coverage in place (or at least considered it), but also all the time spent researching and comparing options was well worth it!

Not getting enough coverage or getting too much coverage.

Choosing the right amount of insurance is a critical part of your business. Not only does it protect you and your employees, but it also helps to ensure that you can continue doing business in the event of an unexpected situation.

However, many business owners fail to get enough coverage or purchase too much insurance, which can lead to wasted money and unnecessary expenses down the road. In order to avoid these common mistakes when purchasing insurance for your company, it’s important that you know exactly what type of coverage is right for your needs as well as how much coverage is enough in each case.

Protecting your business with the right insurance can help you save money later.

Insurance is a cost of doing business, but it can also help you avoid paying more later. If your business gets sued or you have to pay for damages, insurance will cover those costs.

If you’re not familiar with the types of insurance available for your company, consult with an expert who can recommend the right coverage for your needs.


Insurance is a great way to protect your business. It’s important to get the right type of coverage, but even more so that you have enough of it. If you don’t have enough insurance, then you could lose everything if something happens to your business–which is why we recommend getting at least enough coverage so that if something does occur (like fire damage or theft), then you’ll still be able to recover financially without going bankrupt!

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